Quote: How alike, Hilary thought to herself, all airports were! They had a strange anonymity about them. They were all at some distance from the town or city they served, and in consequence you had a queer, stateless feeling of existing nowhere. You could fly from London to Madrid, to Rose, to Istanbul, to Cairo, to anywhere you liked and if your journey was a through one by air, you would never have the faintest idea of what any of these cities looked like! If you caught a glimpse of them from the air, they were only a kind of glorified map, something built with a child’s box of bricks.
And why, she thought vexedly, looking round her, does one always have to be at these places so much too early?
Character: Hilary Craven
Chapter/Story: 8
Book Title/Copyright: So Many Steps to Death, 1954
Chapter/Story: 8
Book Title/Copyright: So Many Steps to Death, 1954